The Challenge

To help B2B automotive brand EDC to stand out from the competition, with a new brand positioning and brand identity

When EDC, a major player in commercial automotive space, appointed Blue Panda to help reshape their B2B brand, we were thrilled to take on the challenge! As a rapidly growing business, they needed support in crafting their new business-to-business brand strategy and identity to sit alongside.

The Solution

We conducted quantitative and qualitative research to gain market insights and test how well EDC's current positioning and communications resonate with their audience. As part of our insight lead brand development, we created detailed pen portraits to inform our design. A full day’s brand workshop followed to take all these findings into a workshop setting with key stakeholders within the business. 
From there we translated these insights into developing the look, feel , and tone for the brand, with its human side at the core. This was then factored into brand guidelines, which we utilised to develop a brand new website.